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Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization: an important part of the marketing strategy

What is search engine optimization and how to use it for the best results? In the past it was easy: a nice company in a convenient location in the center of a town or village, or on the main road: you did not need more. The people were not yet so mobile and therefore could not travel far if they wanted to buy something. That is why the customers came anyway. As transport options increased, however, other things became important: visibility of the company, economies of scale, and advertising. For the digital age this could be done by putting your name on the hanging posters in as many places as possible. Nowadays, there are more and more ways to bring a topic to the attention of the general public: those who have a lot of money can hire an advertising agency to set up a special marketing campaign that advertises the company or goal in different ways. Whether it is a special offer from an existing company, a new company that wants to enter the market or a charity that wants to acquire name recognition and therefore wants to raise more money, does not matter. However, it is striking that the emphasis in internet marketing, which is becoming increasingly important in the current digital era, is advertising on various websites and sending advertising mails. There is one thing that is very important, but few people know about: making sure that you are listed high in Google. Users of the internet rarely remember a website if they want to look up something on the internet, but in most cases use the search engine Google. Here they enter the company name, or a search term that they relate to the company they are looking for, and then they click on one of the first links. It is therefore important that you are high in Google: that you will be included in these first search results. Being high in Google, however, does not go without saying …

High in Google: how does it work?

But how do you ensure that you are high in Google? Many people think that this goes ‘by itself’. In a certain way, it goes without saying: Google has several ways to ensure that your search results match your search term as closely as possible. For example, Google scans texts on websites on the search term you are looking for. If you’re looking for acompany that sells sausage, and you’re looking for ‘sausage seller’ in Google, then the chances are very low that a website of a company that sells flowers will be high in Google with your search results. Unless all texts on the website of this florist about sausages. That is why it is important in what way the texts are written on the website: more on this later. Another important aspect, which is important in how high the website is placed in Google when searching on a related search term, is the number of links to the website that are on other websites. Google calculates how high in Google your website comes so also based on a kind of reference system: if your website is reliable, there are many links on other sites that redirect the visitors to your site. In addition, the way in which your website is programmed also influences how high the site ends up in Google. Is the site well organized? Then the chance that it comes high in Google is greater. Of course, it is completely irrelevant how high your website is in Google, if your site does not look right. That is why web design is an important part: if your website looks good and functions properly, customers will sooner order something from your company or donate money to your charity than if things do not work and the site looks cluttered and unprofessional .

Search engine optimization

Rules of search engine optimization: There are fortunately ways to ensure that you get more customers on your website, and that your site is listed higher in Google. This is called in a summary term search engine optimization. There are different ways in which a website can be optimized for a search engine, and thus high in Google:

  • Firstly, it is important that the website is well designed. A good website that is well built and also looks professional, will not only be appreciated by Google, but also by the visitors. A good website is the basis of the whole story: a bad site does not end up high in Google anyway.
  • After that it is important to determine what the most important keywords are, with which people search for a website like yours. Do you sell washing machines? Then, for example, ‘buy washing machine’, ‘white goods trader’, ‘compare washing machines’ and other related search terms, good keywords for your website.
  • SEO stands for search engine optimization. Based on these established keywords, SEO (search engine optimization) texts can then be written, for example by professional text writers: these are texts that are optimized for the find ability of your site, so that it can be placed high in Google.
  • By means of link building, the number of links on other websites that refer to your site can be increased. Some websites do exchange links: by placing both links to each other website, both websites benefit from it. This way your website will also appear higher in Google.

You need Search Engine Optimization for your website? Please contact us at our website