With the winter sports period approaching, many people are looking at how to optimise or even upgrade their outfits. It is important to have quality gear to enjoy winter sports. Of course, the skis or snowboard are the most important part of a successful holiday. However, what many people often forget is that the clothes you take with you can also contribute to a very large extent to the enjoyment of an enjoyable winter sports day. It is of course the ideal image of many winter sports enthusiasts, sunshine, and pristine white slopes, then it is usually nice to stay on the mountain. But there are also days when it snows, the sun does not show, and it is freezing cold. Good insulating winter sportswear is then a must to avoid being chased inside. The one place where a lot of heat is lost, is in the hands. Besides the fact that gloves should keep your hands warm, it is also important that you keep the touch in your grip. With a flexible glove, you have a good grip on the ski poles, which also gives you more control on the slopes. What you are seeing more and more these days is heated gloves. The gloves feature heating wires woven throughout the glove. A small battery powers the glove to heat it. This way, you never have to go skiing with cold hands again. Of course, there are all kinds of different brands offering heated gloves. You have them from a few tenner’s that are offered on the various well-known Chinese sites, this is usually not the very best quality. Besides these items, you also have the providers who take a more professional approach. One brand that comes out positively is BERTSCHAT®. This brand, which is offered at www.bertschat.co.uk, is the first provider on the market to offer a heated glove that heats both sides of the hand, the so-called dual heating system. A glove that heats on two sides ensures an even warmer hand than when only the top of the hand is heated as with most products. A glove that heats on two sides and gets twice as hot obviously needs some extra power. The heated gloves are offered with a choice of three different, powerful batteries. Especially with the largest battery of 3,800 mAh, you can heat for hours. Anyone looking for a heated glove, therefore, and looking for the best product on the market really cannot beat this dual heating model. If you are still unsure which model you need, which size or which type of battery is best to choose, you can always contact one of the experts. They can provide you with the right advice so that you can ski down the slopes with wonderfully warm hands. And if you need advice on other gear to keep yourself warm, they can tell you all about heated jackets, heated socks or heated shirts.
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